Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I have always thought that I wouldn't be the type of person to get necessarily out of control if ever I were in the presence of someone of celebrity. Mostly because my idea of celebrity isn't the same as many others (I get chills thinking about meeting John Dingell, for goodness sake - but Brad Pitt? No thanks.) Yet, when I was in the presence of Mark Steyn today, I felt like a 12-year-old girl with a school yard crush.

Normally neo-conservatives don't get me all hot and bothered, but after I met him at an annual dinner my alma mater hosts in Washington, D.C., I couldn't help but admire the audacity he had to criticize and poke fun at certain situations - as Chris Patten, the European Union Commissioner for External Affairs, wrote, "It's wonderful to find a Canadian warmonger, isn't it?" Plus, any man who writes on a regular basis for The Atlantic Monthly automatically moves to the top of the "Totally Date-able" list (if only he weren't already married with three children).

So, now that my job requires me to sit through one of the most boring trials in the history of the judicial system at least once a week, I find work somewhat more intolerable than it was before (but that's a whole other post - believe me). However, I had a moment of delight two weeks ago when I finally managed to score a seat in the main courtoom rather than the media spillover room - to find a perfectly rugged looking Mark Steyn sitting on the bench across the aisle from me (complete with suit jacket and pocket square - sigh).

At first, I was nonchalant, not completely sure it was him. Then I pulled out my copy of The Atlantic Monthly (seriously - I don't leave home without it!), reread his March obit and - wait for it - swooned. So, today, after texting my closest friend about my second close encounter with Steyn, she told me to introduce myself. But I realized I wasn't keeping my cool like I thought I would - I was too nervous to even say "Hello."

And then I realized that I was a complete lush when we rode the elevator ALONE together and I couldn't even bring myself to tell him I admired his work.

After voicing my frustration about my lack of confidence to my friend, she suggested I try later. Unfortunately, I'm assuming Steyn had a deadline to make as he left before the final witness finished for the day.

This whole lesson reminded me just how important it is to network with those people you respect in your line of work. Who knows what could have come from me re-introducing myself? Probably not a job offer (my new dream at the moment) - but perhaps the ability to meet others through him, or through the story of how I met him.

So while my sense of celebrity isn't the same as others my age, I find I still have a reaction that causes me to be a little irrational. So, perhaps I will finally gain the courage to introduce myself when I'm in court next - and if not, he still provides a little entertainment for the brain-numbing testimonies I have to sit through. At least it's something!


Meg said...

Hillsdale? Dingell? Jodi, are you a Michigander in hiding? If so, we must talk.

Coffee Breaks said...

LOL, i love this! and I'm sure i've told you the story before, but that is exactly what i did when i was at a reception with Walter Williams! I couldn't even get within three feet of him because I was blushing like crazy, and all giddy... I don't think i've ever seen myself so affected!