Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Oh, this old thing?

Having friends all around the country definitely has its disadvantages. When your closest college friends live in Malibu, Kansas City, Seattle, Wilmington, Orlando and Washington, D.C. (just to name a few), it makes it difficult to keep in touch on a regular basis. (Is there such a thing as a cheap flight to L.A.?)

Luckily for me, a group of us keep up to date on each others lives through regular e-mail conversations and - despite a complete lack of funds - an occasional visit when our budgets allow. For me, this is the quickest way to get a "new" wardrobe without actually having to spend any money.

I tend to get in ruts where I turn to the same old standby outfits when I only have five minutes before I need to be out the door. So, even if I do get something cute and new, I either don't spend the time "developing" the outfit (figuring out what it looks best with, etc.) or wear it so often within the first month of getting it that it loses its charm. Despite this, I find myself excited to bring these items on trips because I'll finally get a chance to show them off in a brand new environment with a whole new audience.

As I'm getting ready to travel to Washington, D.C., to visit my closest and most trusted friend Cindy, I can't help but get excited about all of the fun new things I have to show her. Even though we talk everyday, there are just certain things you can't describe over the phone, in an e-mail or through a text message. Clothes happen to be one of them. Because I live on my own, I don't really have anyone to comment on my outfits in the morning, so I can't wait to gain her approval on some of my favorite things to wear that she hasn't seen yet.

So, while Cindy and I have a lot of catching up and apartment shopping to do for my latest adventure, perhaps some of the most fun we'll have is comparing the fun new things we've found in our vibrant cities.

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