Saturday, April 07, 2007

It's the most wonderful time of the year

I was going to write how exciting it was for spring to finally be upon us, but as I drove through a snowstorm in Indiana on my way back to Michigan last night and suffered through another one while tooling around Toledo with my mom today, I realized that spring wasn't quite here yet. So disappointing.

Yet, as I walked through the mall today on a shopping trip I probably shouldn't have been on, I couldn't help but notice that it seems the seasons are all just relative in our minds. I saw young girls with their jeans rolled up to capri length, girls sporting colors I haven't seen since August, and, yes, even some people wearing flip-flops. It's almost as though spring doesn't arrive when temperatures finally hit sixty degrees, but rather when we want it to.

I've had my own bouts of wishful thinking - wearing a cute, spring denim dress paired with a shear cardigan when temperatures in Chicago hit 70 in mid-March, relegating my opaque tights to the back of my sock drawer not to be worn again til October, and hiding my snow/walking boots behind several pairs of flip-flops, hoping that will keep them from coming out again til December. In my mind, it's spring. And it appears from a few others I've seen, it's spring for them too.

Eventually, I think people will realize that flip-flops aren't appropriate in 20 degree weather even though it is April. But, for right now, it's a nice attempt to survive the disgusting weather that is upon us through a few little guilty pleasures (Like how I'm wearing bright yellow right now in order to brighten the mood).

For those of you enjoying cherry blossoms in Washington, D.C., and warm weather to the south - consider me jealous!

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